Sunday, December 28, 2008

Fun at the Mall

Haylie and Kaylie had such a great time at the mall. They did so good sitting in their strollers ALL day while we walked in every store. Before we left we let them run around for a bit and let out some well deserved energy!

Haylie wouldn't look up because she was afraid I was going to take her drink. Of course Kaylie is smiling like always:)


  1. Awwww...look at our adorable little girls! I can't wait for Haylie's birthday party, we need to get some good pictures! OR should I say YOU need to get some good pictures. You know what my pictures turn out like.... I think you called them grainy, yea that would be my photograhy work:)

  2. We are back so I will call you in a bit. We have to get our last conversation in before I leave for 10 whole days!!!!!!!!! Tell the kids I said hello:)
