Today my baby turned TWO!! It's hard to believe that she is already 2. She has changed so much over this past year. She went from sleeping ALL the time to a playful toddler. I thought since she had slept the first year and half of her life that she would be a quiet mellow little girl. Boy was I wrong! She is full of energy now. She is our little monkey. From climbing up everything to wrestling with James, she definitely keeps up on our toes.
For her birthday we took her to Fuddruckers for dinner and then we went to Chucky Cheeses to play games. All she wanted was to get enough ticket to buy a Fee Fop (her way of saying lollipop).
We took Haylie to the store to pick out her own cake and she wanted lots of cakes! So we ended up buying cupcakes instead:) She was so excited to go home and eat her cakes. She sang Happy Birthday the WHOLE way home.
Haylie loved when everyone sang Happy Birthday to her. We had to light the candles several times. She kept saying again mommy.
We can't wait to see how much you grow and change over the next year. You have been such a blessing to us. We love love:)
Love, Mommy & Daddy

Love, Mommy & Daddy